1. Copy crafting introduction

Excellent to see your interest in crafting meaningful outreach messages that don't sound spammy or salesy. In this framework course, you will learn about the type of messages that are able to slowly but surely, navigate your prospects through your sales funnel and into a meeting or a call. Join me in this course, as we will go over the framework and psychology behind crafting successful outreach messages, and get busy with the actual crafting of the outreach messages. Strap in, here we go!

Outreach Message Crafting

Did you know that the copy is crucial in an outreach sequence? Various CEOs and founders of automation software companies are firmly stating this. 😀 The process of crafting those B2B messages involves a crucial aspect - knowing your target, too.

Carefully consider these questions:

  1. Which industries will benefit from your product/service?
  2. Who are you competing against?
  3. What are their offerings (service, prices, etc.)?
  4. What drives them to actively seek your service?

If you can't understand your target's motivations/fears, you won't be able to make them respond to your marketing offer. 

That is why you need to dig a few layers deeper in understanding your target, so you can craft outreach messages that resonate with them.

Now, let's move to a real example. Take a look at these two messages that are supposed to reach dentists:

  1. "We offer websites, SEO, and online marketing to any company that needs it." OR
  2. "We help dentists to establish a digital presence and attract more customers."

Which one would resonate more?

In this video, I cover several stages in the message creation process: 

  1. Defining your ideal target audience (previously covered in the ICP training),
  2. Defining your goal,
  3. Determine your message strategy, and
  4. Writing your outreach messages.

Bonus: I'll also provide you with examples of resonating and meaningful messages, which are used at my company - BizzBee Solutions (check "5. Copy crafting client examples")

P.S. Automation tools can ease away the pain, but without the proper messages, it's a disaster waiting to happen.

P.P.S. Spammy messages are a no-go!

Crafting Messages

In this illustration, we are showing you the framework behind the B2B message crafting concept. There are a couple of essential steps that must be taken into consideration before jumping into the message crafting itself. This way, your messages' quality will be significantly improved, and the potential to successfully engage with your audience will be nearly guaranteed.

Honeycomb Creation Framework for Crafting Outreach Messages

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